Resolve Easings
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The Resolve Easings page is a brand new integration that gives you more control over easings in DaVinci Resolve.
This feature will only work with DaVinci Resolve Studio, on the Fusion page.
With DaVinci Resolve Studio open to the Fusion page, you can poll the keyframeable properties from your selected Nodes. Each time you select a new node or change the values in Resolve, you'll need to click "Get Keyframes" to update Motion Studio. Alternatively, you can turn on keyframe polling in Motion Studio to continuously poll Resolve for keyframe data at an interval between 1-10 seconds.
Keyframe polling is a new feature, and with complex compositions may introduce some lag if the interval is low (~1s). If you notice a slowdown with polling turned on, try increasing the interval, and let us know about it!
The Easing page gives you a full-screen graph to maximize your interactions with the bezier curves.
On the left is a mini-graph of all keyframed properties on your selected Node. The colors of the graphs will match the colors of the curves in resolve. Hovering over the mini-graphs will expand the list and show the names of each of the properties. Clicking on each of the graphs will show only that curve in the graph editor. You can also ctrl/cmd + click
the graphs to select multiple simultaneously.
The graph itself will default to having all of the properties selected. To drill down on a single property, click one of the expanded mini-graphs.
When only a single property is selected, the bezier handles for each of the keyframes will be shown. These are draggable, and changes to the bezier handles will be immediately reflected in DaVinci Resolve.
Keyframes can be selected by clicking on the keyframe squares in the graph, or clicking and dragging a marquee the graph to create a marquee over the desired keys.
With 2+ keys selected, you will see an influence slider appear in the lower-left section of the graph.
You can change the influence values of the selected keys using this slider. Clicking and dragging the 'center' circle of the slider will mirror the changes to both influence-in and influence-out.
From the influence slider, you can also copy the influence values, and paste them on other keyframes.
This easing page also seamlessly integrates your Motion easing libraries for use with Resolve. Your active easing library will be displayed in the bottom-right corner of the graph (or in the sidebar if the side panel is open).
With two or more easing libraries in your collection, you can click the edit icon to select your active easing library.
You can also minimize the easing library to clean up your graph view.
With 2+ keyframes selected (irrespective of the number of active curves), you can apply any easing from your easing library by double-clicking the easing. The easings in the library apply to the curve between two keyframes. So, if you have more than 2 keyframes selected, the easing curve will be applied to each set of keyframes in the selection.
When the Side Panel is open, the easing library will be displayed there instead. There are a number of additional features here:
Easing Library
Your active easing library will be displayed at the top ("Default Easings", above)
With a selected easing curve, more details will be displayed directly underneath the library. The Name, as well as values for cubic bezier, influence in, and influence out will be displayed. The name can be changed here as well, by double clicking the value.
Clicking twice on an easing will also apply it to the selected keyframes in the graph
Clicking the trash icon will delete the selected easing from your library
Graph Easing
With 2+ keyframes selected in the graph, the easing values for those keys will be displayed under the "Graph Easing" section in the info panel.
You have the option to add this easing curve to the active library by clicking the "+ Add to Library" button. An image representation of the curve will be added. You can then change the name to more-easily identify the ease curve.
There are a number of graph interactions and shortcuts worth noting:
ctrl/cmd + drag
bezier handles - This action will mirror the bezier handle at a specific key, making for smoother transitions at keyframes. Specifically, the influence value will be mirrored, and the speed in/out at that keyframe will be normalized and mirrored.
Shift + drag
bezier handles - This action will lock the speed at a particular keyframe to zero, allowing you to just change the influence values. This is great if you are not looking for any overshoot. It mimics the action of the influence sliders.
These actions can also be combined, i.e. ctrl/cmd + shift + drag
Hold D
For Dive Counters
Holding the D
key will display keyframe times and values, as well as times and values for bezier extrema (overshoot max and min)
This only works when there is a single active graph in the graph view (to not clutter the graph)
C + Click
to grab CTI
On this page you can also interact with the Resolve CTI. It is represented as a red line with triangle marker on top. The Triangle marker is draggable, and dragging the CTI will directly update the CTI in Resolve as well.
By holding C
and clicking anywhere on the graph, it will "grab" the CTI to that point. This is useful if the CTI is off-screen and not visible.
to play / pause
Along with modifying the CTI, you can press the Spacebar
to play and pause the current active composition. This is useful for previewing your bezier curves.
Coming soon is a "Work Area" concept, that will loop your animation between keys or a custom timeframe, to preview your easings.
You can always view the shortcuts by clicking the shortcut icon in the header:
In the top-right corner of the graph are some zooming functions:
The + / - will zoom the graph in and out
The expansion icon below that is Keyframe Zoom. This icon becomes active when there are 2 or more keyframes from the same curve selected. This can be very useful when a particular tool has many keyframes, making the graph scale hard to read. Clicking Keyframe Zoom will zoom the graph to the selected keyframes (example below).
Once zoomed, you can still zoom in and out to center your curve. You can also use the L
and R
buttons on top of the graph to navigate to the previous or next set of keyframes, respectively.
Keyframe zoom, L, and R, also work with more than two keys selected, simply centering the graph on the selected keys.