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Your easing libraries can be used in the Motion Studio base panel, and easing panel in AE.
The list of palettes can be re-ordered by dragging the blocks. All changes will be immediately reflected in your open Adobe extension panels:
With an easing library selected, you have a number of options:
Export Easing Library
This opens a save dialog where you can export your library in json format. The file will be named with the name of the palette - e.g. client_easings.json
Import Easing Libraries
Easing libraries exported from Motion Studio can then also be imported. This is useful for sharing across workstations and between colleagues and clients.
Currently, easing libraries can be imported into Motion Studio, or the extension panels.
Delete Easing Library
Deletes library from Motion Studio, and all extensions
Info Panel
When the info panel is opened on the right side of the screen, it will show more detailed information on the selected library. When individual easings are selected, you get the following information:
Name - a custom name to easily identify the easing. This will also show up as a tooltip when a pinned easing is hovered in your panel:
Cubic Bezier - Easing values in cubic bezier format
Influence Out - The influence value applied exiting a keyframe
Influence In - The influence value applied entering a keyframe
Individual easings can also be deleted, as well as copied and pasted between libraries.
Create Mini
Clicking on the context menu for an easing library also allows you to create a Mini from the library. See Motion Mini Libraryfor more details